Grievance Redressal Mechanism
In order to resolve the disputes between the company and its customers , the board of Directors in their meeting held on 9th March,2013, approved the following mechanism for redressal of Grievances of the Customer. The mechanism aims to ensure that all the disputes arising out of the decision of the company functionaries are heard and disposed of at the next higher level. The Regional Manager will be grievance Redressal officer for the borrowers of all the branches under his jurisdiction.
The approved mechanism for redressal of Grievances is as under
- The Branches/offices to display the following information prominently for the benefit of their customers :
- The name and contact details (telephone/mobile well as email address) of the Regional Manager under whose jurisdiction the branch falls. He/She can be approached by the public for resolution of compliance against the company .
- If the Complain /disputes is not redressed within a period of 1 Month ,the customer may appeal to the officer in charge of the regional office of DNBS of RBI Kolkata.
- Complain box to be maintained with all the branches for facilitating lodgement of complain.
- Ombudsman Scheme for Non-Banking Financial Companies, 2018 : Salient Features - English
- Ombudsman Scheme for Non-Banking Financial Companies, 2018 : Salient Features - Hindi
- Ombudsman Scheme for Non-Banking Financial Companies, 2018 : Salient Features - Bengali
- Ombudsman Scheme of Uttrayan (NBFC-MFI) - View
- Contact details of Ombudsman for NBFC and Nodal Officer of the the Company - View