- About Us
- About Us
Uttrayan Financial Services Private Limited is a Non Banking Financial Company (NBFC-MFI) registered under Reserve Bank of India (RBI). Our Company provides livelihood promotion services comprising of livelihood and other Micro financial services to those population segments which are mostly un-reached by the formal banking systems with the principal purpose of promoting sustainable livelihoods.
We are looking forward to hear from those institutions or people who will be interested in supporting our mission. If you are eager and willing to contribute to this purpose, please contact us at info@uttrayan-mfi.com.

- About Us
UFSPL’s capital is totally invested by promoters and Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI).
We are basically looking to hear from those institutions or people who will be interested in supporting our mission. We will be reachable for this purpose at info@uttrayan-mfi.com
Organizational Values

Client is the main priority
We designed a series of activities to enhance the level of client’s satisfaction. Client grievance redressal mechanism has been adopted to identify and solve the grievances as early as possible.

Honesty and Transparency
We believe in “Honesty is the best policy”. Hence we try to maintain honesty at the time of providing services to Clients, at the time of proving facilities to staff and at the time of initiating a new project.As Honesty is one of the major value of Uttrayan , we try to be honest to our clients, to our financial partners and to our staff as much as possible.

We try to maintain discipline from Head Office to field level as we belief “Discipline is the defining fire by which talent becomes ability”.

Concern for environment
Uttrayan’s main concern is to improve human life in every way. As we belief financial betterment is not sufficient to improve human life, hence we are giving special emphasis on environment improvement to create a healthier future generation.

Human resources
The members of our staff are our most important resources. We make efforts to upgrade their skills and improve their welfare measures on a continuous basis.