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Grievance Redressal & Ombudsman Scheme
In order to resolve the disputes between the company and its customers, the Board of Directors in their meeting held on 16th April, 2024, approved the following mechanism for redressal of Grievances of the Customer. The mechanism aims to ensure that all the disputes arising out of the decision of the company functionaries are heard and disposed of at the next higher level. The Regional Manager will be the Grievance Redressal Officer for the borrowers of all the branches under his jurisdiction.
The approved mechanism for redressal of Grievances is as under
- The branches/offices to display the following information prominently for the benefit of their customers:
- The name and contact details (telephone/mobile number as well as email address) of the Regional Manager (GRO) under whose jurisdiction the branch falls. He/She can be approached by the public for resolution of compliance against the company.
- If the Complain/disputes is not redressed within a period of 30 days, the customer may appeal to the Banking Ombudsman RBI.
- Complain box to be maintained with all the branches for facilitating to register the complaint. During Group Training program customers to be appraised about the Grievance Redressed System and its benefits.
- About Us
Grievance Redressal & Ombudsman Scheme
In order to resolve the disputes between the company and its customers , the board of Directors in their meeting held on 9th March,2013, approved the following mechanism for redressal of Grievances of the Customer. The mechanism aims to ensure that all the disputes arising out of the decision of the company functionaries are heard and disposed of at the next higher level. The Regional Manager will be grievance Redressal officer for the borrowers of all the branches under his jurisdiction.
The approved mechanism for redressal of Grievances is as under
The Branches/offices to display the following information prominently for the benefit of their customers:
- The name and contact details (telephone/mobile no.as well as email address) of the Regional Manager under whose jurisdiction the branch falls. He/She can be approached by the public for resolution of compliance against the company .
- If the Complain/disputes is not redressed within a period of 1 Month, the customer may appeal to the officer in charge of the regional office of DNBS of RBI Kolkata.
- Complain box to be maintained with all the branches for facilitating lodgement of complain.
- About Us
Who We Are
Uttrayan Financial Services Private Limited is a Non Banking Financial Company (NBFC-MFI) registered under Reserve Bank of India(RBI). We started our microfinance on-lending operation way back in the year 2001 with its head office at Kolkata(West Bengal), by providing small ticket size loan to the poor woman in rural and semi-urban area through group based system. Our Company provides livelihood promotion services comprising of livelihood and other Micro financial services to those population segments which are mostly un-reached by the formal banking systems with the principal purpose of promoting sustainable livelihoods.
We are one of the few MFIs in West Bengal who have partnered with State Bank of India in their prestigious and coveted project of “Co-Lending” .The limit sanctioned to us is 300Cr. Thus enabling Uttrayan to pass on the benefits of lower interest rate for Loans,as low as 19.45%(Blended) currently to our ultimate beneficiaries(Borrowers) .The opportunity has been spread across our network of Branches in 10 States catering to our 1 Lakh plus clients.
Where We Do
Over 23 year of Financial Services present across 10 States and 74 districts of India. Uttrayan now working in 117 branches spread over 10 districts of West Bengal,9 districts in the state of Assam, 16 districts in the state of Bihar, 1 district in the state of Meghalaya, 12 districts in the state of Odisha, 2 districts in the state of Sikkim, 3 district in the state of Uttarakhand ,8 districts in the state of Punjab, 6 district in the state of Jharkhand, 8 districts in the state of Rajasthan India, where we are providing services to more than 1,00,000 clients to make their way out of the poverty.

- Uttrayan is recipient of “Skoch Order of Merit” 2024 for outstanding performance in Co-Lending Partnership with State Bank of India."
- Received “Certificate of merit” from SKOCH Group for India’s Best Financial Inclusion & Financial Deepening Projects in 2014 & 2015 consecutively.
- Adjudged “Best Financial Institution – Financing MSME or Vocational Skill Development” for 2014-15 by ASSOCHAM
- We have also been adjudged one out of three top nominees for “Highest Employment Generation by Cos. with turnover upto Rs.100 Crs.” by the prestigious award committee of Economic Times Bengal Corporate Award (ETBCA).
Organizational Values

Client is the main priority
We designed a series of activities to enhance the level of client’s satisfaction. Client grievance redressal mechanism has been adopted to identify and solve the grievances as early as possible.

Honesty and Transparency
We believe in “Honesty is the best policy”. Hence we try to maintain honesty at the time of providing services to Clients, at the time of proving facilities to staff and at the time of initiating a new project.As Honesty is one of the major value of Uttrayan , we try to be honest to our clients, to our financial partners and to our staff as much as possible.

We try to maintain discipline from Head Office to field level as we belief “Discipline is the defining fire by which talent becomes ability”.

Concern for environment
Uttrayan’s main concern is to improve human life in every way. As we belief financial betterment is not sufficient to improve human life, hence we are giving special emphasis on environment improvement to create a healthier future generation.

Human resources
The members of our staff are our most important resources. We make efforts to upgrade their skills and improve their welfare measures on a continuous basis.